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Project implementers

The Names Archive digitisation project is being carried out by the Institute’s materials unit. The project group is assisted by a steering group and a support group representing several of the Institute’s cooperation partners. The Institute procures most of the digitisation services etc. from external providers.

Project group

The project coordinators are Toni Suutari (project manager; in charge of tasks relating to digitisation and digital services) and Helinä Uusitalo (in charge of tasks relating to onomastics and the Names Archive). Experts from the Institute’s other departments and units participate at various stages of the project.

Steering group

The chair of the project’s steering group is Elisa Stenvall, head of the Institute’s materials unit. Other members of the steering group are Terhi Ainiala (research fellow, University of Helsinki), István Kecskeméti (head of the Archiving Techniques Unit, National Archives of Finland) and Teemu Leskinen (senior specialist, National Land Survey of Finland). The secretary is project manager Toni Suutari.

Support group

Toni Suutari, the head project manager, chairs the project’s support group. The members of the group are Eero Hyvönen, deputy Jouni Tuominen (Aalto University), Riikka Kivekäs (National Land Survey of Finland), Unni Leino (University of Tampere), Kristiina Linnovaara (Society of Swedish Literature in Finland ), Jaakko Raunamaa (University of Helsinki), Tarmo Rahikainen (Institute for the Languages of Finland), Sami Suviranta (City of Espoo), Pekka Valta (Genealogical Society of Finland).

Service providers

  • Digitisation of entry slips and bundles as images: Grano Oy (formerly Multiprint Oy)
  • Digitisation of collection maps as images: Analogia Finland Oy
  • Conversion of entry data into database format: Vaasan Micro Copy Oy
  • Georeferencing and locating coordinates for the names: Blom Kartta Oy
  • IT systems and electronic services: CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd
  • IT system concept planning consultant: Gofore Ltd
  • GIS consultant: GIS Consultants Finland Ltd
  • Procurement consultant: Hansel Ltd
  • Legal analysis of the handling of personal data: Kalliolaw Asianajotoimisto Oy
  • Presentation video: Pegasus Media


In addition to the Institute’s own funding, the Ministry of Education and Culture has awarded the project separate funding. Funding will also be sought from foundations and Finnish municipalities.